Browsing Archive: October, 2015

10/29 Just about 2 weeks

Posted by Bill Bickford on Friday, October 30, 2015,
Here we are coming up to the end of the 2nd week of being out here in California and it's been great with the job and all I've been given, but it's also been stressful trying to find a place to live.  I've looked at numerous places and found a few but when I call them, they don't have anything.  Why then do they advertise if they don't have anything available?  Just wasting my time but they won't refuse if you want to fill out an application and spend money only to find out if they don't have...
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10/21 - Wow

Posted by Bill Bickford on Wednesday, October 21, 2015,
Before I start off with this update, I just wanted to bring something up that I missed due to being extremely busy during the time.  On October 5th 2015, Grandma would have been 100 years old.  While she's now been gone for about 4 1/2 years, she's never been forgotten.  She is always in my thoughts and heart and every night I wrap myself up in a blanket she hand made for me.  I love you very much.

Now onto the other updates.  So I've now been out here in California for a few days and have bee...
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10/10 - Recovered

Posted by Bill Bickford on Sunday, October 11, 2015,
Greetings everybody!!!  So I've been home a week and a half and I think I'm finally acclimated to the time change.  It's been a very busy and fun time since I've been back.  I've been able to eat real food with flavor and also have some spices.  I've spent time with my son and was able to experience Howl-O-Scream too.  I'll write up about that in a bit.  Anyways, it's great to be back and I look forward to the next chapter.

Until later...

Bill out

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