Browsing Archive: September, 2018

Sep 2nd - A momentous day

Posted by Bill Bickford on Monday, September 3, 2018,
Welcome foolish mortals.  Today, September 2nd, is a big day in the life of the BBP.  Can’t believe it’s been 8 years today that my life changed dramatically...for the better. I was stuck in a mediocre job at a failing financial institution but this fateful day, as bad as it was back then, was a positive change and a life changer. So many doors have opened and put those stagnant times to rest. I believe in always learning more and improving yourself and these 8 years have been exactly tha...
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Sep 1st - A new month

Posted by Bill Bickford on Saturday, September 1, 2018,
Welcome foolish mortals, to another month and welcome to September.  The greatest birthday month is now over and we are moving on to the best time of the year.  Excited for what's to come.  Lots of things are beginning so it's going to be a busy rest of the year.

Hoping for good things as always.  

Until the next time...

BBP out!!!

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