Browsing Archive: September, 2020

Sep 10th - Memories

Posted by Bill Bickford on Thursday, September 10, 2020,
Greetings foolish mortals.  It's been a couple of days since the anniversary but I wanted to acknowledge it, even if it is a couple of days late.

September 8th has held special memories for me.  It was on this day in 1986, 34 years ago, that I left home as a young, naïve, 18 year old kid, and joined the United States Navy.  It was a far cry from easy and there were several times I felt like quitting, but in my stubborn mind, that would not happen.  I didn't start my career the way I wanted to...
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Sep 1st - Welcome to September

Posted by Bill Bickford on Tuesday, September 1, 2020,
Welcome foolish mortals!!!  Here we are in September.  The greatest birthday month in history is now behind us and we're looking forward.

Been crazy going ons again in this country of ours.  We have never been so divided like this that I can ever recall.  One side blames the other who in turns blame them.  However, the one "leading" the country is the cause of all this and so are his minions.  It's bad enough you have people who feel empowered to treat others a certain way because of their ski...
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