August 12, 2018
Greetings foolish mortals and welcome to the BBP's last remaining roughly hour and a half of being in the 40s.
I can say it has been a very interesting decade and I've seen a lot, done a lot and gone to a lot of places. I didn't start this website until 2011 so I only have the 7 past years documented on this site. However, my mind has the remaining years that completed the 40s.
I remember the day I turned 40 as it was ruined by some issues at a previous job. Turned out it was a lack of communication on many levels but mine but the damage had been done and it affected my day. I remember another birthday in 2012 as I returned to the United States after being over in Afghanistan and Iraq for almost 2 years. It was a great present to put my feet back on U.S soil for that birthday.
Yes, the past decade has seen me in Afghanistan, Iraq, UAE, Turkey, Ireland, England, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Italy along with numerous cities. I've moved across the country from Florida to California and have excelled.
The time has flown by at times and while I say farewell to my 40s and welcome to my 50s, I eagerly await the new adventures. I also think how fortunate I am to have made it this far because I've had friends who didn't make it to this age.
Happy Birthday BBP and until next time...
BBP out!!!
Posted by Bill Bickford.
August 1, 2018
Welcome foolish mortals, to the month of August. I am your host, your awesome host. Please step all the way in and make room for everybody. There's no turning back now.
So yes. It is the first day of August and the birthday month begins. It's a big month for the BBP as we are hitting a milestone this year. Remember, age is a matter of mind and only a number. Yeah...I wish sometimes. All those days and nights, crazy stunts, military service and so on have caught up to this body. I'm st...
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Posted by Bill Bickford.
July 23, 2018
It's been 7 years since you left. I miss you very much and love you more. Wish I could have another conversation with you. Sure could use it.
Love you Grandma
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Posted by Bill Bickford.
July 2, 2018
Greetings foolish mortals. Welcome to July. Can't believe the year is now officially half over. Amazing that it's flying by so fast. Looking forward to some Halloween stuff soon. Haunts are gonna start being built and the commercials will air soon. Can't wait. For now though, gotta deal with the heat. Hope it doesn't get too bad though it's supposed to break 100 this weekend. UGH!!!
Until next time and trying to stay cool...
BBP out!!!
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Posted by Bill Bickford.
June 27, 2018
Greetings foolish mortals. I can't believe believe I haven't added anything to hear in almost 4 weeks. This has been a crazy month.
A big thing that did happen was we went to meet William Shatner Sunday evening. We first watched Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan. Was very cool to see it in the big screen as I never had. Then after the movie, William came out to a huge ovation and it was very cool to hear him talk about the movie, life, interactions with other members of the cast and so on....
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Posted by Bill Bickford.
June 2, 2018
Greetings foolish mortals. Welcome to June. Amazing that the year is almost half over.
Today would have been my fuzzy buddy's 23rd birthday. Happy bday Mr. Chip. You are missed. You were one of a kind. Hope you're enjoying the window.
As some of you may have noticed. I added a few more pages to the Places Visited page. Hope you enjoy them and be on the lookout for more.
Things are starting to heat up as we are quickly approaching the best time of the year. Also, have a new coaster to ...
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Posted by Bill Bickford.
May 28, 2018
Greetings foolish mortals. Today is a day of remembrance, honor and respect. Take a moment to think of those who paid the ultimate price to allow you a 3 day weekend. Think of those families who have lost someone and appreciate the cost of freedom. You don't have to stay indoors and be miserable for today is a celebration for those men and women who wrote a check to protect and serve this country and that check was cashed.
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Posted by Bill Bickford.
May 14, 2018
Greetings foolish mortals. Here we are in the middle of May. The month is flying and a lot of the same has been going on here. Busy with work and stuff like that. Not really a whole lot of difference going on.
So not sure if I mentioned this in an earlier post, but last month, the BBP's folks came out to SoCal for a week or so. Took them to Mission San Juan Capistrano and also San Diego. I would have liked to done more with them, but just didn't have a chance as work called. At least ...
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Posted by Bill Bickford.
May 1, 2018
Greetings foolish mortals and welcome to May. I know it's been a while...again...but I have been a busy person without a whole lot of time to get to this. Hoping to calm things down so I can. Still a lot of pictures to upload and places to talk about.
It's been kind of cold here the past few days. Cold as in for SoCal and this time of year. Been nice though. I love it.
Not really a whole lot more going on in this side of the US so I'll sign off here.
Until next time...
BBP out!!!...
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Posted by Bill Bickford.
April 9, 2018
Welcome foolish mortals. This has been crazy. Didn't even get to welcome in April the proper way. However, ironic that Easter was on April Fool's Day. Nice sense of irony there.
Just been crazy with all the work going on and travel but I'm back home now and waiting for a visit from the "old people" in a couple of days.
I'm still trying to get more pictures uploaded from a few years ago that have stayed on my backup drives. Maybe I'll take a week or so off and just work on the site and re...
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Posted by Bill Bickford.