Mar 6th - Weekend over

March 7, 2016
Why does it seem like the weekend flies by?  It seems like before you know it, Sunday night is here and tomorrow is right around the corner.  It is insane that a couple of days are capable of moving by us at high speed and not even giving us a chance to thoroughly enjoy them. 

Oh well.  Another week ahead and another chance to prove myself. 

Until the next time...

Bill out

March 1st - Hello

March 2, 2016
Here we are at the beginning of March after having that much needed "extra day" of the year.  What they really need to do is figure out how to make that extra day an extra day off.  I digress though.  This year seems to be flying by and I know I'm a busy man, especially at work.  Been crazy times and handed another title to go with all my others but I know I'm gonna fly with this as well.  

Not really a whole lot more to add on here right now so I'll just be going now.

Until next time...

Bill ou...
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Feb 25th - More time in between

February 25, 2016
I really have been so distracted these past few weeks that I haven't done anything on the site for a while.  I've just been busy with work and trying to get things in order here so that's been the my thing.  Gonna seriously try to change that.

So not really much new is going on out here.  Been busy with work and just getting myself into a workout schedule.  Been doing really well with it and have actually pushed myself in my cardio and running.  The other night, ran 5.2 miles in 30 minutes.  T...
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Feb 3 - Time flies

February 3, 2016
I always say I'll update more on this and keep it up and get things posted from last year but I always seem to run out of time or forget.  Well, I'm going to try to make this a little more public so I'll need to update it more often than I have been.

Anyway, Feb is here now and this year is flying as well.  Make it slow down!!!  I know it seems the older we get, the faster time moves and I believe it.  Need to figure out a way to keep it in check.  

Just be on the lookout for more notices on he...
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1/14 - Ugh!!!

January 14, 2016
So here we are in the midst of the first month of the new year.  I finally messed up something and have been trying for the past 2 days to correct it.  I sometimes really hate computers and how they're supposed to work and then how they really function.  I'm stumped right now but will resolve this.  

Until I get back from beating my head against a wall...

Bill out
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1/4 - Happy New Year!!!

January 4, 2016
We are officially full swing into 2016 and I have to say that it has started off very well.  I am happy, feeling good and very hopeful as we continue forward.

Back to my first day at work and enjoying the pace of trying to get some things done.Looking forward to this year and keeping positive.

Until next time...

Bill out
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12/31 - Farewell 2015

December 31, 2015
Here we are, only about 14 hours away from the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016.  I have to say, this has been a rather interesting year.  I once again left the country to go live, work and explore in Germany and Europe.  Saw many fascinating places while I was there and experienced so much more.  Many new countries and towns.  I also met a lot of new people and welcomed some more into my life and spent time with family and loved ones.  There was also the passing of my grandfather who ha...
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12/25 - Merry Christmas

December 26, 2015
Merry Christmas to everybody!!!  Hope today brings everybody much happiness and joy.  Merry Christmas to all my family back in Florida and to my friends all over the world. 

Bill out

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12/22 - Winter is here

December 22, 2015 cold here.  Actually, it's a beautiful day here.  60 degrees and it's raining.  We really need it too.  In case you haven't heard, CA is in a major drought.  

A few more days before Christmas.  Gonna have a nice long weekend to enjoy it and maybe do some things.  There's snow up in the mountains so might go up there.  

Starting up a new workout routine and eating so I can take care of a few things, mainly health wise but got some goals I'm shooting for.  ;-)

Will probably update this a...
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12/15 - Halfway through

December 15, 2015
I swear I keep saying I'm going to update this more often but I guess it's just the stress of having to work just so I can do my thing.  I know, there's always time out there but at times, I just don't feel like doing this.  I wish I was able to do this and travel and visit places like I've seen on other sites but I should have been looking forward more.

Anyways, we're halfway through December and Xmas is just around the corner.  10 days to go.  I need to upload and make new pages for my last ...
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