May 9th - Frankenstein

May 9, 2015
So woke up late today and decided to search for some castles not too far away.  Lo and behold, I found a famous one.  Frankenstein Castle was only an hour away so off I went.  Was a very interesting find to say the least.  Got some really cool pics of it and found some more history about it.  I may have to go back before I leave here and check the forest out more.  There's supposed to be some witchcraft and magnetic stones there as well as a fountain of youth.  We shall see.

After leaving Frankenstein, drove another half hour to Frankfurt where I saw some interesting things and had some interesting food.  There was a lot going on there and I'm going to put some pics of it up too but overall, it was a good time.  Have to re-visit this city too.

So until another monster is made...

Bill out

May the 4th be with you

May 4, 2015
Greetings all.  Indeed with the Star Wars kickoff as I've been in a Star Wars mood for the past few weeks.  Watched all 6 movies and have read a couple of books too.  Nice escape.

Onto the exploration.  So this weekend, another venture to the Spring Festival was had on Saturday amid cloudy skies and rain.   On Sunday, discovered a local castle ruin named Burgruine Hofen.  While it wasn't a spectacular castle ruin, it was close by and the weather made it a little difficult to thoroughly enjoy i...
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April 26th - Exploration

April 26, 2015
We've now been here just about 2 weeks so I decided it was time to get my exploring on.  I had been looking for castle ruins around Stuttgart and actually found some just outside of town.  However, my GPS in my car didn't want to take me there so I found some more in a town called Baden Baden.  I  have to say, this town was beautiful and so much fun to explore.  There was a river going down the middle of town and it was as calm as could be.  Pedestrian only traffic in the shopping districts. ...
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April 18th - Almost a week

April 18, 2015
Greetings from Germany.  We've been here almost a week now and I think I've finally gotten used to the time change.  Done a lot of resting and relaxing today and it's feeling good. 

Today also started the Spring Festival here and I think tomorrow will call for a visit.  Should be neat since I missed it last year.  Weather has been perfect this weekend too so tomorrow will be an exploring day. 

So until next time...

Bill out

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April 13th - For Nera

April 13, 2015
A little paw swatted at me from the cage in the pet store.  Little did I know at that time that she would become the most loved cat ever.  She was such a sweet little baby girl and you could only love her.  She had a slight breathing issue that I was told was taken care of with medication.  Today, the little girl passed away.  Not even 6 months old but she the impact she had made was huge.  Goodby kittykins, Nera kitty and the cat.  We all love and will miss you.

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April 1st - April Fool's Day

April 1, 2015
Hello April and welcome fools.  New month and got a lot going on right now.  Left my job at Labtech in order to pursue a different direction.  It was bittersweet but something I felt I needed to do as I never totally felt like I fit in to the workplace or with most of the people who worked there.  It was a good place to work but as it is, it was time for a change.

I'm now with my company who I went to Germany with last year and guess what?  Yes, I am heading back.  Looking forward to this as I...
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March 26th - A few days left

March 26, 2015
The BBP is off again to explore and run wild in Europe.  Going back to my place in Stuttgart where I performed so admirably and getting a chance to do more things.  I'm nervous, scared and excited all at the same time.  I left my nice job at Labtech to pursue this path.  It was a tough choice but it makes a lot more sense for me in a lot of ways.  

Get ready for the pics!!!

Bill out...
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Friday March 13th - Friday the 13th

March 13, 2015
Happy Friday the 13th...again.  Wow, the second month in a row with Friday the 13th.  It's a lucky day and to those who have the belief of it being unlucky, wake up!!!  My thoughts!!!

Ready for the weekend to get here.  I'm really looking forward to May 22nd.  We got another 24 hours of Disney and I'm planning on going...if I'm here.  If not, oh well.  I'll make it up some way.  ;-)

Got my guy into golf now and he's picked it up quick and naturally.  Might have actually found something he likes...
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March 11th - Spring is here

March 11, 2015
Holy cow!!!  Is spring ever here!!!  After not having really too much issues with allergies the last couple of years, they have hit this year.  Why?!?!?  Oh well, such is life.

On the other front, things are looking better everyday.  Feeling good and looking good, if I do say so myself, as will others.  Can't believe we're in the almost middle of March.  Got some things to look forward to in the near future. 

Time to hit my happy place too and get some Plant and Garden show stuff going on, alo...
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Mar 3rd - Hello March

March 3, 2015
What an amazing weekend.  Relaxing and recharged and ready to take on this new month.  Have my ind straight and true and looking forward to what's coming.  

Going to start updating the pictures from this past summer too.  Got lots of them to add.  Nearly 6000.

OK.  Have an awesome week.

Bill out...
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