May 12th - Almost but not quite

May 13, 2014
Happy May 12th.  No, it's not a holiday or anything special really.  I did manage to do something today that while it could have changed things, I decided not to go ahead with it at this time.  I was offered a job to head back overseas but I felt the position wasn't a good fit for me and neither was the location.  While it would have been decent financially, it wasn't great money.  It's not all about money but if I'm going to do something like that again, it had damn better well be worth it and be a better opportunity than the last one I was offered.

So until then

Bill out...

Happy Cinco de Mayo

May 5, 2014
Hola!!!  Happy Cinco de Mayo.  Who here knows what Cinco de Mayo stands for?  No really.  Raise your hand. 
OK, so it's not Mexico's Independence day.  That's all I'm saying.

I know, I know.  Been a few weeks since I've updated the site.  I kept meaning to come here and do more and I'm actually looking into modifying this site and making it something else.  Not yet though.  It is still a "Project". 

Anyways, in a couple of weeks, my guy will be 15 and able to get his restricted license.  Wow! ...
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April 19th - Days go by and still I think of you

April 19, 2014
Good morning all.  It's been 12 days since my last update and in that time I've had impure thoughts, used my name in vain and stole 2.6 million dollars from an old man who just had it laying around.

OK, maybe some of those aren't true.  You decide.  :-)

Been a busy week and seemed to be on the go almost all the time but feeling changes occur and seeing the light for some good things.  Don't wanna jinx anything yet but I'm cautiously optimistic. 

So as the title of this post says, Days go by and...
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April 7th - Slacking off

April 7, 2014
I know I keep saying that I'm not going to let this happen but it always does.  If this was all I did then I might be able to keep this site current but I work odd hours and just get busy with other things or am wiped out mentally, emotionally and physically to get on here.  Been a tough month for me and hoping some things get better soon.  It's really wiping me out. 

I'll try to be better.

Bill out...

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March 3rd - Flying by

March 3, 2014
Can you believe how fast the year is flying by?  I know I can't.  It seems to be flying by faster and faster.  I know that it's been said it happens when you get older but this is crazy.  I think technology is doing it to all of us.  We're more connected than we've ever been and busier all the time now.  There doesn't seem to be the same feeling there was 20 years ago when you were home on a Sunday late afternoon early evening.  Remember the feeling of just enjoying the moment?  Well now it's...
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February 26th - Good day

February 26, 2014
So here we are again and it's been over 3 weeks since I've updated this.  I do need to get better but sometimes I just get sidetracked and forget.

7 months and counting

Ready for some baseball.  This is the time of year I like the weather change as well.  Just feels alive again.  I still love my Fall and Winter seasons but there is just something unique about just before Spring weather.

Going to add a few more credits on my roller coaster videos.  Hit the new ones at the FunSpot in Orlando with ...
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Feb 2nd - Happy Groundhog's Day

February 3, 2014
I know, I know.  It's been a month since I've added anything.  Time just seems to fly by whne you've got a lot going on.  Been busy and working a lot.  Got a lot of things going on but don't want to jinx anything yet.

Just saw the Seahawks destroy the Broncos in the Super Bowl. 

Feeling pretty good and positive.  Things are looking up.

So until I write again, which hopefully won't be another month,

Bill out...

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Jan 2nd - Happy 2014

January 2, 2014
Happy New Year!!!  Here we are in 2014 and it's going to be a good year in so many aspects.  Positive thinking and determination are going to make this year a momentous one.  Good things are ahead.

Bill out...but never completely

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Dec 30th - New Year's Eve!!!

December 31, 2013
Well, we are now down to 23 hours until 2013 ceases to exist and 2014 becomes now.  I am excited about a few things that are happening and am looking forward to a very good 2014.

While 2013 seemed to start on a good note, it quickly changed and then started recovering.  There were a few snags that were hit as well but also some very good times too.  The way it's ending, it's hitting highs again and I truly hope they continue.  I'm feeling good about things and hope the best for everyone around...
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Dec 28th - The end of 2013 is around the corner

December 28, 2013
Well, here we are at the end of 2013.  This has been an interesting and frustrating year.  It's almost over though and we have a brand new year to look forward to and make our resolutions and so much hope ahead for us.  I'm hoping for a few really good things and hope the best for others too.  I think this is going to be a break out year in more than one way for me.

Looking forward to some down time and also some up time.  Confusing I know but that is all I'm willing to say right now.

So make y...
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