March 1st - Hello March

March 2, 2013
Wow.  Another month is starting in 2013.  Seems like it's been moving faster and faster.  Wish it would slow down during my days off and speed through when I work.  Oh well.  We're getting a bit of a "Less Hot" wave here in Florida.  Might be nice for a few days.  So until my next post...

Bill out...

Feb 28th - Goodbye February

February 28, 2013
Wow!  Been almost 2 months since I've touched this and made any updates.  I know I keep talking about maintaining the site, I just haven't lately and gonna try to change that.  This year has flwon by so far and tomorrow is the first of March.  I remember this time last year, I was hoping the time would fly by and now I'd like it to slow down please. 

Bill (trying to force time to slow down) and out...
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Jan 1st - New Years Day

January 2, 2013
Welcome 2013!  Hoping this new year brings about some changes of good.  Gonna strive to make it a great year.

Happy New Year!

Bill out...
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Dec 31st - New Year's Eve

December 31, 2012
So long, farewell and goodbye 2012!  It's been a very long year and it's just about over.  There are approximately 15 hours to go until 2012 is history.  It has been a very tumultuous year here filled with a lot of miles travelled and tough times.
However, I also believe it is a year that new things will come and good times will be had again.  Going to try and keep a positive outlook on things and make the best of everything I can.  So until next year...

Bill and 2012 out!!!...
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December 25th - Merry Christmas

December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas to all!  It's good to be back in the states this year after being out of country for the past 2 Christmases.  I also want to put this out for my boy.  I love you so very much Zman.  Never forget that.  Things will get better, I know they will. 
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Dec 5th - Long time

December 6, 2012
 Here we are now in December.  Been a month since I last updated this.  Been a rough few weeks and it's not getting easier but it is moving.  Been tired and wore down. 

Bill down but not out
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Nov 5th and it continues...

November 6, 2012
Another day in the life of a Work in Progress.  I'm tired and stressed but making small head ways.  Another week has started and is underway.  Hurry up and get here weekend. 

Bill out...

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Oct 17th - Wore out

October 18, 2012
Tired this week.  I'm focusing on straightening myself out.  In other words, I'm a Work In Progress.

Bill out...

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Oct 8th

October 8, 2012
Wow.  I can't believe I let the day pass without acknowledging what October 5th was.  October 5th was my Grandmother's 97 birthday.  It's been over a year since she left us but she is always in my mind.
Been having a rough few weeks myself and trying to make it through. 
Will keep this up more now that I'm back.  Gotta do some serious updating.

Bill out...

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October 1st 2012

October 1, 2012
Happy October!  It's the time of year I love!  Also, Happy Birthday WDW!!!

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