April 13th - Friday the 13th

April 13, 2012

Here we are.  Another Friday the 13th and a happy one to you.  I love Friday the 13th because 13 is a lucky number to me.  To may, it's not but hey, that's OK.  To each their own.

Today seems to be a decent day here in Iraq.  Clear sky and warm.  Yesterday was a crappy day.  Was overcast the entire day, had some rain, which was nice and it didn't turn into another mudstorm like we had previously. 

Had a nice rant on here about 2 old men who work here and yesterday I was trapped in between them arguing about, "Back in their days."  However, the site didn't save it and I couldn't post and now I couldn't retype everything I said.  Oh well. 

Have a good Friday the 13th and make the day count.

Bill out


April 3rd - A new month

April 3, 2012
Another month has come and that means I am closer to getting out of here.  I've been a bit frustrated with the pace of this place and the rumors and constant going round and round.  Trying to keep a positive attitude and mindset and get out of here soon.  Keeping my eye on the big picture and ready to start the next phase of my life.  Can't wait to do that.  Very excited about the future.  Until we write again...

Bill out
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Mar 22 - Spring is here

March 22, 2012
Well, the last few days here have actually been kind of nice.  The weather has made it pleasant during the day and the night has been very nice.  Had a really bad sandstorm the other day/night that made a mess of the place  but that is all gone for now.  Other than that, not much else is going on here. 

Bill out
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Mar 15th - Halfway through this month

March 15, 2012
So here we are.  Another day gone and another day closer to leaving this place.  Things here have been the same as usual except for a few incidents last week that totally made me want to leave like yesterday.  Now I'm just counting down the days til I leave and get home to start my life anew. 
Did see an interesting article and am attaching for reference as to why America is running into the ground.  Long gone are the concerns about the customers and their well being.  It's now all about how ...
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Mar 4 - What the hell???

March 4, 2012
OK.  Something new going on right now I've never experienced.  It is raining mud right now.  Yes..mud as in wet dirt.  We're having a sandstorm and it's raining too so guess what that turns into?  Yup.  MUD!  I'm coverd in it including it got in my hair and all over my face and in my eyes and all over my jacket and jeans.  I'm filthy right now.  DAMN!!!!!!!!!  This is gross!!!  Can't wait to get out of here and get a shower.  Right now don't even care if it's hot or not. 

Muddy Bill out...
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Mar 2 - Another day

March 2, 2012
Here we are, 2 weeks out from my last update.  I really need to work on that more.  I'm going to try to make a few a week to kind of keep of running tally of this place.  On that note though, there's really not a whole lot discuss.  I mean, there's all the rumors that are flying around out here and tales of what might be and what could be and what will be but until they actually happen, I am not buying into any of them.  Can't control them or change them so I'm not gonna worry about them.  Ju...
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Feb 18th - I HATE this place

February 18, 2012
I am so damn tired of this shit!  OK. It's 10:30 in the morning here and I just went down to take a shower.  You know, thinking that since it's much later after most people have taken one and given the water time to heat back up, I would be able to finally enjoy a full hot shower.  But of course, I get tooled again and there isn't any hot water.  Only liquid ice coming from the showerhead.  I mean come on!!!  How much more of this shit can I take?  I do not know.  It seems everyday something ...
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Feb 5th - Superbowl Sunday

February 5, 2012
Another day going by here in "beautiful" Iraq.  Just going through the motions at this time as I am completely frustrated about being here.  OK, enough whining.
So today is Superbowl Sunday and I'm pulling for the Giants.  For obvious reasons.  We were supposed to have a cookout here at work but judging by how no one has shown up, nor has anything been done to start the preparation, I'm thinking it's not going to happen.  And to think, I was thinking about how I might not get sick tonight afte...
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Friday the 13th

January 13, 2012
Well normally I like this day and feel 13 is a lucky number.  However, today feels like a giant kick in the balls.  I am so pissed right now that I can barely see straight.  So please bear with me as I go on my rampage and vent.
So here I am, living in Iraq.  A place that is already hostile, isolated, desolate and generally a miserable place to be.  However, there was one thing I had that was able to kind of keep my sanity while being here and that was my own room.  Hell, it wasn't even much b...
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Happy New Year 2012

January 1, 2012
Happy New Year!!!  2012 is here and we're off and running.  This is going to be a very good year.  I know it. 
I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year as well.
Bring on the resolutions!!! 

I bid farewell to 2011 with fondness and sadness.  Let's look ahead now.  Bring it!!!
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