After Christmas

December 27, 2011
Well, for everyone, this is late but a Merry Christmas to all and Happy Holidays.  It's December 27th, 2011 so I have to give a shout out to my dad.  Happy Birthday Dad!
Still working away over here in Iraq and while it's not an ideal place, it's not that bad.  I finally have somewhat of a decent place to live, my own room and share a bathroom and just keep trying to continue my knowledge, education and gain experience. 
While I was digging through a box with all my stuff, I discovered a Christmas card my Grandmother sent me last year.  It was sad because this was the first Christmas she's been gone but it also made me realize not to let life pass me by and live it to the fullest.  She was a wonderful woman and I love her very much and miss her and wish I could have spent one more day with her.  I've got memories of love and fun with her and will always cherish those.
This was also the second Christmas I missed with my son and it made me sad but it also brightened my day when I spoke to him very early Christmas morning and heard the excitement in his voice.  He was very happy with the presents he got and I was glad to hear that.  He means the world to me and I love him very much. 
So as we get to the end of 2011, I look back on a few things that happened in this past year that affected me and my family.
1.  My first time away from my son for his birthday.  However, I was able to send him on a cruise for his birthday.  Something he had always wanted to do.
2.  Mildred E. Bickford passed away July 22, 2011.  She was 95 years old.
3.  I returned to Florida after nearly 10 months of being away for the memorial service.
4.  I turned 43 in Kabul, Afghanistan.
5.  I left my previouos employer, ITT Services to join Five River Services In Iraq.
6.  My second Thanksgiving overseas.
7.  My second Christmas overseas.

So as this year ends and I reflect back, it was good and bad.  Happy and sad.  Yet all things combine to make the life we each experience and I hope that I take from this year and make 2012 a better year.  The sacrifice is tough but overall I have to believe it is worth it for I couldn't have done most of the things that I have.  I have a far better appreciation of life, the world and it's numerous cultures and my own self.

Happy Thanksgiving

November 24, 2011
Wow!!!  Been a little while since my last post and I apologize to myself for not keeping this up more.  Have just had a lot of stuff going on and there never seems to be enough time in the day or night but I will work on posting at least every other week.
First order of business is today is the one year mark since I first put my feet on Afghanistan soil.  Landed at Bagram Air Base, had Thanksgiving lunch there and met my best friend Mark Latimer.  Funny how him and I have traveled across the U...
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October 16th

October 16, 2011
Little time travel back for a week and a half.  October 5th was my Grandmother's birthday.  She would have been 96.  However, she passed on July 22nd and I've missed her very much since then.  Today I watched the tribute the funeral home put together for her and cried again.  I know that's not what she would want but it's very hard.  I still remember the last thing I said to her when I saw her before I left to come everseas.  I told her I loved her and I would see her when I got back.  At lea...
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October 1st

October 2, 2011
Happy 40th Birthday WDW.
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Sep 8th A pivotol day

September 8, 2011
Hello September 8th.  The memories you bring me are profound to say the least.  Today, 25 years ago, a skinny, 18 year old kid left home and joined The United States Navy.  The changes that lay ahead for him were extremely exciting, heartbreaking and defining.  Visiting places in the country such as New York, Hawaii, Seattle, San Francisco and living in beautiful San Diego to losing friends and students in horrible incidents.  Seeing the world and countries such as Japan, Korea, Philipines, S...
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Sep 2nd 2011 - 1 Year since

September 2, 2011
Today, September 2nd, is a day which changed my life, in the best way possible.  However, at the time I did not know this.  I had been working for Florida Bank for almost 3 years and in the previous year, had been the IT Manager and also the Systems Administrator and doing a very good job of it.  However, I had a boss who was short sighted, clueless when it came to technology and who really had no business being the CIO in the first place.  As what happens more times than not, he thought he h...
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Hello September, Goodbye August

September 1, 2011
Well here we are in September.  August is now history and things are moving right along here.  I can't believe it's already been 3 weeks since I've been working over here in Iraq.  It's been a very nice change of pace and I'm seeing things from a totally different perspective now in my field.  It's very welcome and I look forward to  learning more and becoming better at what i do.  Today, September 1st is also my nephews birthday.  Josh turns 26.  Happy Birthday.
Well, this is a short but swee...
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More Change

August 15, 2011
    This has been a very crazy past few weeks but it has all come to an least for now, though a lot of work is still needed.  I officially ended my time with ITT on August 11th and began my new contract with Five Rivers.  I also left Kabul, Afghanistan and am now in Iraq, which is 100% better.  Though I have to share a room with someone, it's not nearly as bad as the mold infested, disgusting house I lived in while I was in Kabul.  The food is better and the environment seems a lot b...
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August 7, 2011
It's been a month and a half since I wrote.  Have had a lot of things going on since then that has pre-occupied my time.  The first and foremost was my Grandmother, Mildred E. Bickford, passed away on July 22, 2011.  It was a very sad moment for me as I hadn't seen her since a few days before I left to come out here in November of 2010.  I flew back to the states for her memorial and it didn't hit me that she was gone until I got back.  The memorial service was just like she wanted.  Short an...
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Happy Father's Day

June 18, 2011
    I can't believe I've let this go for a month.  But before I go on, I want to wish a Happy Father's Day to my father and grandfather.  This is my 12th Father's Day and I really miss my guy.  While I'm over here in this place, he's back in the states.  I love him so much and can't wait to see him again.
So it's been a month since I wrote on here and not really a whole lot has changed in that month.  I work for 12 hours, go to the gym and then sleep and start the process all over again.  It's...
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