April 4th How does this work?

April 4, 2011
Sorry been so long since I wrote but there always seems to be things to do than to keep up with this.  Gonna try to at least make it weekly visit.  So been back from Ireland for 2 weeks now and needless to say, things could be so much better.  I've been trying to stay positive but something happened today that has realy got me bent.  I won't go into detail right now but I will soon enough.  I'm just staying positive on my other thought and situation and it will see me through.  Gotta keep the postive thinking going for that because it will happen...very soon.
Since I'm ranting on here, might as well hit what happened out here as well.  That moron of a pastor in Gainesville burned the Koran(sp?) and caused all sorts of hell to be unleashed over here.  Protests and killing of people makes it a horrible place to be but then when others, who aren't even over here and who call some of us mercanaries, are claiming this moron has the protection of the first amendment on his side.  However, people do not really understand the term "Freedom of Speech" nor do they understand the first amendment but they use it as a shield to hide behind.  Thank you pastor jackass!!!
On another rant...how the hell can the executives for the oil company that killed 11 people and destroyed the gulf and thousands of miles of shoreline be given a HUGE bonus???  They claim they had a great, safe year and people were given $200k bonuses when 11 people were killed and how many sea creatures died and how many other people were directly affected by this disaster?  Thank you American Corporation for showing the rest of us that it doesn't matter what you do to other people, animals or even the land.  As long as money is to be made and there are greedy assholes who feel a sense of entitlement, there will always be this traversty.  The United States of America...the land of opportunity for rich corporations to get richer, prosperity for corporations to steal from the taxpayers and the rest of the country and for criminals to run these corporations and get off with a golden parachute when the working person is laid off with nothing but a 2 weeks severance.  Yes!!!  We are a in a good place (note sarcasm). 

March 18th Dublin!!!

March 18, 2011
Here we are in beautiful Dublin, Ireland.  Been an awesome couple of days so far.  Landed at about 2 pm Mar 16th and have been going since then.  Throw in a few hours of sleep and that's what's been going on.  Gonna have a ton of pics to add on here when I get back.  Until then, talk to you soon.  Bill out...for now.

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March 15th Ireland bound!!!

March 15, 2011

In 6 short hours, I will be leaving to head to a land I have never been to before.  Beautiful Ireland and it's no coincidence that i will be there during St. Patty's Day.  Gonna drink some Guiness, see some interesting locations, visit The Cliffs of Mohir and relax and have some fun.  Been a long 4 months since I've been gone so I need some clean, fresh air to breathe and a chance to just relax and be stress free.  Cheers all!!!

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March 11th Winner!!!

March 11, 2011
So here we are, 4 days and counting until Dublin bound.  Can't wait.  Been a rather pretty nice few days for me.  Not so much as to where I am but mostly because of events that have happened.  I got my new, replacemtn laptop for the one that was sent to me with a gouge in the screen.  Spent a few hours playing around with it last night.  It is a sweet thing.  Gonna have to check to see how much of my current stuff works on Windows 7.  Also played in a voleeyball tournament last night and won....
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Mar 1st New Laptop

March 3, 2011
So I ordered a new laptop a few weeks ago and have been anxiously waiting for it to get here.  Well it finally did today and when I opened it, I discovered a nice gouge in the LCD screen.  I was pissed and so frustrated cuz I've spent the past couple of days trying to get some answers as to what I need to do.  Finally I was able to get through to support and they are shipping me another.  I just need to get the damaged one back in 30 days or I pay for it.  I just hope it makes it there cuz I ...
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Feb 22nd FIRE!!!

February 22, 2011
    Holy shit!!!  What a night.  I was sleeping nice and sound last night and was woken up by a pounding on the door.  We had a fire in our supposedly "safe" house.  The term for "safe" house has nothing to do with the physical being of the house as it has years old electrical wiring done by inferior electricians.  There was an electrical fire that burned out a light and a lot of wiring and would have been a lot worse if it had been a few feet further away from where it was. Woke up to smoke,...
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Feb 12th and it's snowing in Afghanistan

February 12, 2011
Holy crap!!!  It's incredible here.  We've had snow falling for over 30 hours now and have a foot of snow on the ground.  I've hit people in the face with snowballs, in the back and I've built a few snowmen.  First one wasn't very good because not enough snow yet.  The second one had M & M's for eyes and a dumb dumb for a nose.  The eyes melted and then the snowman fell apart.  The third one was much better and had an UnderArmour hat.  Supposed to snow for two to three days more so we'll see ...
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Feb 10th and another day of Afghan

February 10, 2011
    So another day here in Afghanistan and I've got a moron who works in my office.  I swear, this guy is such a tool.  He's mindless, clueless, ballless and a huge pain in the ass.  He just wants to watch tv and do nothing.  I was even told he said he was going to sit in a certain desk so he wouldn't have to answer the phone and deal with anyone.  We had the tv on during the middle of the day and he was going nuts cuz I froze it and he couldn't watch anything.  I did get him back though by p...
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February 2nd Happy Groundhog Day

February 2, 2011
    Happy Groundhog Day everyone!!!  Well, not sure but think winter is going to go a lot longer here.  Today it started off with rain, then it turned into snow and then sleet and then all 3 were coming down at the same time.  It's been freezing here tonight and I'm betting we'll see some ice in the morning.  Should be a nice walk back to my room after I get off work. 
I'm also working on a few things to make some changes and hoping for the best.  ...
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January 28th

January 28, 2011
So today was a lovely day.  Had to strap on my body armor and go get a new ID card because we're on 2 month contracts here until further notice.  It would be nice to get some kind of stability though in my line of work, it's not to stable cuz it's contract work.  Having some not so secure feelings while out here so having some ideas about what I want to do.  Guess I'll find out soon.
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